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Happy Easter

Southsea Green Moderator

Irene made us think of being little again with her garden inspired poetry...

“April showers bring forth MAY flowers and sure enough, bright green shoots of ' Lily of the Valley ' push their way through the warm earth to reveal their beautiful delicate tiny white bells, as they shelter at the foot of Hawthorn bushes whose bursting buds we often tasted as ' bread and cheese ' in our school days. Pink and white Hawthorn petals blossomed as we chanted “cast not a clout till MAY is out”.

Now it’s Easter-time with visitors up and down the garden path, while our gardeners share the shrubs given to us by the Shaw Trust, whose lovely garden was closed a few weeks ago. Still we look to the horizon. Lucky us to see ships sailing by even as we rest on our shovels, well almost. It’s a community garden for everyone, so if the gate is open come on in and pick up a watering can. Keep an eye on our garden events.

By Sue Stokes 

12th April 2017 



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